“Let’s create a Bookazine in Spanish for young explorers; a place where they can learn about fantastic people and places around the world while they reinforce their Spanish skills in a fun way”.
Ok, as a Spanish immersion teacher, I have had that thought for years. However, if I am completely honest, the idea sounded great, but where was I going to find the time. Well, Covid-19 changed our lives forever and all of my summer plans for 2020 were gone. Now I had the time; no more excuses. So, I decided to give it a try and create the magazine that I have been talking about for years.

With the help of Spanish-speaking colleagues from around the world and fantastic graphic designers, the idea started to develop and Explora quarterly magazine was born.
The journey of creating a magazine from zero has been a learning one, but the response from our readers and parents has been fantastic. That give us the desire to continue creating more theme magazines for our kids where we aim to travel the world, learn and be curious about these places, as well as develop an empathy for the world and its people. We do it all while practicing Spanish and learning new vocabulary.

Let’s explore our wonderful world together!