Raise niños that are proud of their español and Latin roots
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We’re not just any magazine. We’re your family’s ticket to raising globally-minded explorers, fluent in Spanish and proud of their heritage. From captivating stories to fun facts, our print and digital magazines are for curious kids, from ages 7 to 99. Delivered right to your doorstep every other month 📮
Think it’s time to embark on this adventure together?
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I like Explora magazine, because it is interesting and I learn things that I didn’t know. Caleb, 9 years old.
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Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 issue
For curious kids that like to explore new places, laugh, and practice Spanish

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Suscríbete o compra la revista que quieras.

Look for a large colorful envelope in your mail 📮 every other month.
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Enjoy learning about wonderful places in Spanish.
¡Felices lecturas globales 🗺!
Words from our gente

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Explora magazine
Easy way to get kids reading in Spanish and learning about the world from home.

¡Hola! Soy Daniela!
A bilingual teacher, a solo traveler, and the founder of Explora Spanish magazine. I became a writer for kids while avoiding doing the dishes, and grading school papers. I take procrastination to new levels by mapping out and journaling about all the places I would like to explore. Born and raised in Chile, a global citizen, calling Minnesota home.

Bilingual Parents
Preserve Spanish and our Latin traditions at home with fun and easy activities.

Family Travel
Explore the world with your family. There’re so many wonderful places to visit.

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Explora magazine
Explore this colorful issue and learn about the life of one of the most iconic Latin artist, Frida Kahlo.
Instant download, with sample articles and activities.