Decoraciones Divertidas de Easter
Por Priya
This blog post was previously published in April 2020.
1 taza de harina
1/2 taza de agua
1/2 taza de sal
Precalentar el horno a 250 grados Fahrenheit.
Mezcla todos los ingredientes bien en un bowl. Unelos en una masa.
Pone la masa en una superficie con harina. Después amasa la masa
hasta que sea una bola.
Uslerea la masa en una superficie lisa hasta que quede como de 1/4 de gruesa.
Usa un molde para cortar una forma de un huevo.
Usa un pajilla para hacer un hoyo en la parte alta del huevo.
Pone los huevos en una bandeja de horno. Tienes que engrasar la bandeja.
Hornea los huevos por 2 horas a 250F.
Dejalos enfriar un poco en el horno para que no se quebren.
Cuando esten listos puedes pintarlos o decorarlos con marcadores.
Pone una cuerda en el hoyo y puedes ponerlos alrededor de tu casa como decoración.
1 cup Flour
1/2 cup Salt
1/2 cup Water
Preheat the oven to 250F.
Bake for 2 hours.
Mix all ingredients well in a bowl until form a ball. Place the dough ball on a floured
surface and knead it into a smooth ball. Then roll the dough out until 1/4 inch thick. Use an egg-shaped cookie cutter to cut out your salt dough eggs.
Use a straw to make a hole at the top of the egg. Place the dough eggs on a baking sheet with silicon or on a lightly greased pan. Then bake for two hours at 250F.
Let them cool in the oven to prevent the chance of cracking. Once they cool paint them with acrylic paint or for younger children decorate with markers. After letting the paint or markers dry grab some string or yarn and put it through the hole in the top of the egg
and hang them up in your house.
Priya is a 5th grader at Westwood Intermediate school and has been studying Spanish since kindergarten. She enjoys crafting, baking, soccer, spending time with her friends and loves pandas. When she grows up she wants to work with pandas in China. She lives with her parents, 2 brothers, dog, gerbil and guinea pig.